Community > Media & Exhibitions

Documentation materials of art exhibitions, interviews, and articles about MEK, from 2022—2024.

Art Exhibitions
Nowhere To Run, by UNHCR Switzerland, Digital Art Mile Basel, Switzerland 2024
RGB MTL, by Strano, Montreal, Canada 2024 
Block by Block, by Goat Gallery, Canada, 2024
Art Plus Ultra, by DeArt Milan, Italy, 2024
PIXELATION, by SuperchiefNFT New York, USA, 2023
Classics of the Future, by KLIF & MAC, Malaysia, 2024
Pixel Pilgrimage MEK.txt’s Solo Exhibition,, by MODA Gallery, 2023
Pixel Frens, by Shiiino,, 2023

Loving Type Exhibition, by MEK.txt & SANROK Studio, 2023

Publications & Articles
Melon’s Art Picks Vol. 7 by Sgt. Slaughtermelon
“The Well-Rounded Obsessive“ by One-of-One Newsletter
Next Up: MEK.txt Elevates Pixel Art, by NFT Now, 2024
Behind the Work // MEK.txt, by Spirouzi, 2023

Written in Blood. Tezos Art Review #2, by Kyle Flemmer, 2024

Meet MEK.txt: From Pixels to Perception, by, 2023
dicey digest #8 — A bucking XTZ bull?, by akiradice, 2023

Live Space/Interviews
Tezos Monthly, Retro Cryptoart with Retro Manni & Limbo, by Pronoia

Artists Talk with MEK, Impromptu Solo, 2023
PIXEL ART with MEK, Impromptu Solo, 2023
#tezpole Quickspace, by Violetbond, 2023
Infos + MEK’s take on Warpcast for Creators, Impromptu Solo, 2024
TTC x MEK & $MEK: AMA w/ MEK.txt and Grand Quackster, by TTC, 2023
Artist Journal on Rug Radio: MEK.txt & team group exhibition, by Pocobelli, 2023
How [r] You? ft @michaelmicasso, by #rum, 2023
Talking Art w/ Tezos Artist Mek, by Fireside (Campfire), 2023