Design & Typography
Pixels > Pixel Artworks > SmolMEK (Animation)
On 2023, MEK made a more cartoonish, animated version of his pseudo-avatar, colloquially known as SmolMEK by his friends and collectors. He decided to expand boundaries and put the little character in random situation, walking across different planes of existence.
Check the whole collection here
They Were Crying When Their Sons Left, God is Wearing Black.
linkDo Not Stare Back.
linkRestless Impatience.
Brewing at the End of the World
linkWeight of ExistenceI Will Fear No EvilParacelcus’s Worst DiscipleStrawberry!
l'appel du vide
Process & Method—All hand drawn manually frame per frame, this collection starts from MEK’s intention to be better at animation; Went to be a whole collection by itself.